750 ml
Sparkling Wines
Victor Dravigny Rose Brut
Pinot Noir & Chardonnay & Pinot Franc
A rose brut sparkling wine from the Victor Dravigny collection made from an assemblage of three classic European varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Franc. This sparkling wine has a rare and beautiful salmon colour with coral reflections, a long-lasting mousse and an elegant perlage.
Its fresh aroma is dominated by notes of wild and garden berries (red currant, wild strawberries) and red oranges.
The taste is full-bodied, refreshing and energizing, with dominating citrus and currant tones in the first wave, followed by noble minerals and a long aromatic afterglow.
more than 9 months
This classic rose brut sparkling wine is versatile in terms of gastronomic combinations: from cold appetizers to desserts with fresh red berries. Try this wine with marget, red caviar, salmon or tuna tartar, cold beef carpaccio, viande blanche with a white sauce, or with parmesan and fresh rucola.
0,75 \ 0,375 \ 0,75 gift-wrapped
*The appearance of the products, the varietal composition, and the information posted on the website may differ. All detailed information about the products is presented on the packaging.